Maitland & Hunter Valley's #1 Mechanics & Auto Electrician's
8:00-4:00 Mon-Thurs
8:00-1:30 Fri
Auto Services
MAITLAND & The Hunter's
Best Batteries
We only stock the BEST
Car battery replacement
We stock the best Car, Truck and Marine batteries in our workshop. Enjoy peace of mind with a high-quality battery built to last. We can fit the battery to your Vehicle from our workshop.
If you’re after a car, marine, deep cycle or truck battery, you’ll experience the difference with SuperCharge’s Expanded Grid (EXG) Technology.
This technology provides a product with superior starting power as well as an ability to deliver a long, steady stream of power, depending on the make and model.
EXG technology is used in all of our units, so whether it’s a deep cycle recreational vehicle, boat battery or a standard auto battery that you’re after, you know that you’re always getting market-leading quality.