Maitland & Hunter Valley's #1 Mechanics & Auto Electrician's
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Auto Services
MAITLAND & Hunter Valley.
DSG Transmission
A Slight Issue with your Transmission can Become a Major Problem if Ignored
DSG Gearbox Repairs
Lynx Auto Services Newcastle knows the Direct-Shift Gearbox or (DSG) is now very popular in the VW/Audi/Skoda/Seat branded vehicles and we there are somewhat 80% of vehicles being manufactured today are coming with the DSG gearbox fitted at the factory.
These gearbox in the early stages had a Wet Clutch and needed to be serviced every 60,000 kilometers due to the contamination from the clutch being in oil, they do have some mechatronic problems and also clutch problems but here at Lynx Auto Services they can all be rectified.
We have quickly learned over the years and invested heavily in equipment and software to repair and maintain these complicated gearbox's and we have in house repairs now on all faults.
The latest DSG a DQ200 7 speed gearbox has been introduced with a dry clutch system and some of the early ones can have problems with judders and slipping clutches, we are now trained by LUK and VW to replace these clutches using the latest tooling and software.
ECU's have been replaced in the past unnecessary and also full compressor unit, replaced, when only a small part faulty.
If you suffer any issues with any of the DSG gearbox range please do not hesitate to contact us.
Lynx Auto Services specialises in European car servicing. We have the right tools and equipment for the job. Don’t trust your European car to anyone else!