Maitland & Hunter Valley's #1 Mechanics & Auto Electrician's
8:30-4:00 Mon-Thurs
8:30-1:30 Fri
Auto Services
Newcastle & Hunter Valley
Rego Checks &
Pre Purchase Inspections
Pre Purchase Inpections
Unless you are a mechanic, don’t risk it!
Most people don’t have the knowledge to be able to determine whether a car is in good, safe working condition.
While you may not understand some of the items listed on the pre-purchase car inspection report, you can be assured that our inspection leaves no stone unturned in the assessment of the car. Avoid any reason for stress or anxiety. Obtain an expert opinion from the outset and get peace of mind.
Is it really worth the money?
Should the pre-purchase car inspection identify any faults, these can be used to negotiate with the seller for a reduced price if you wish to go ahead with the vehicle purchase. If no faults are identified, you have definitive peace of mind that you are purchasing a good car.
Our mechanics can also advise you regarding future service cost estimates.
Rego Checks
Obtaining a roadworthy certificate is quick and easy at Lynx Auto Services. We are a licensed vehicle tester for New South Wales, and a certificate of roadworthiness can only be issued by a registered and licensed vehicle tester. Our excellent equipment and experienced team will help you get ready for registration with this service.
Our team of motor mechanics has completed all relevant coursework for testing vehicles. We use the newest technology and testing equipment to ensure that you are safe on the road.