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Maitland & Hunter Valley's #1 Mechanics & Auto Electrician's
8:30-4:00 Mon-Thurs
8:30-1:30 Fri
Auto Services
Maitland & Hunter Valley's
Steering & Suspension
Suspension and steering keeps you safe on the road.
Does the smallest bump in the road make your car dip or rock like you’re driving through the outback? If so, it’s time to replace your suspension. Lynx Auto Services works on all makes and models, including European cars. We use quality shock absorbers ,struts and steering components to provide you with a smooth ride for you and your family.
Lynx Auto Services can perform the following repairs relating to Steering and Suspension:
Steering Rack
Steering Box
Power Steering Pump
Power Steering Hose
Shock Absorbers
Strut Inserts
Coil Springs
Leaf Spring
Sway Bar & Bushes
Wheel Bearings
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